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Schedule the Snugs

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

Well, it’s a time our dogs have always dreamed of…their pawrents never leaving the house.

During these crazy days while we try and take as much precaution as possible, chances are we’re going to have lots of down time to do the things we’ve been putting off at home. And you better believe one of them will be binge-watching our favorite shows.

Yes, we should take this seriously so all our loved ones can stay safe, but we don’t have to be mad about the amount of snuggles we’re about to get. Thankfully, recent studies have shown that dogs don’t need to worry about coronavirus, but they do still need to stay healthy. We’re so glad the days of searching, “can dogs get corona” are officially over. But now, we should be searching for ways to make sure they stay sane as we stay quarantined. There are plenty of inside activities to do with your dog, and one of the easiest ways is by simply giving them attention.

Tug-o-war battles.

Belly rubs in bed.

Backyard ball throws.

And of course, the easiest: couch time.

I know my guy likes to plop his 70lb-self right on my lap, snuggle up and snore away. And did you know that snuggling your dog is healthy for both of you? There are actually big benefits to cuddling your dog, like the fact that it reduces levels of the hormone responsible for stress, anxiety and depression.

I feel that. Because I don’t know about you, but if I could describe my perfect day, it’d involve my dog and a day off. A pair of sweats + a big soft blanket + my couch + my dog = Heaven.

I also know, though, that sometimes my weekends are even busier than my workdays and my big-headed, constantly-dropping-a toy-on-my-lap boy doesn’t get the attention he deserves.

So, here’s to making the most of these days indoors. To hitting the stop button on our lives for a bit and pressing play on the things that bring us joy. To skipping our chores and scheduling some one-on-one time with the best dog. Movies can also be the perfect way to right now to spend some special time with your pup. And certain ones can keep a pup’s attention more than others. So, what are the best movies to watch with your dog? I’ve put together a list (in no particular order) of my favorites to make a lineup of the top 15 best dog movies from Laney’s Lab.

Best Movies to Watch with Your Dog:

1. Marley & Me

2. My Dog Skip

3. Megan Leavey

4. Dog Days

5. The Fox & The Hound

6. A Dog’s Purpose

7. Homeward Bound

8. The Art of Racing in the Rain

9. Beethoven

10. 101 Dalmations

11. Old Yeller

12. Where the Red Fern Grows

13. Togo

14. Shiloh

15. All Dogs Go to Heaven

In the coming days, it’s important to find inside activities to do with your dog. So, schedule some snugs and special time with your precious pup. And put on a movie they might pick if they could control the remote.

They might not be the best rated dog movies ever, but they’re definitely my top choices of movies to watch with your dog. And while you may not be sick, you’re definitely going to want to grab some tissues for these. <3


Share your snug time with us by snapping a photo and tagging @laneyslab on your story for 10% off your next purchase!

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